Coronavirus cases update till 10th April 2020

As on 10th April 2020 Coronavirus updates:-

Coronavirus World wide Cases: 1,695,713

Deaths: 102,566

Recovered: 375,958

Today’s update on COVID 19 in India
Total confirmed cases: 6761
Total recovered: 516
Total death:     206

Always remember to protect yourself to protect others.
COVID 19 causes respiratory disease (such as the flu) with symptoms like a cough, fever, and in more
severe cases trouble in breathing. You may protect yourself by washing your hands regularly,
avoiding touching your head, and avoiding close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with individuals that are
Coronavirus Instances in Delhi to 903; whereas death toll Climbs to 14
The complete number of coronavirus instances in the capital city on Friday increased to 903,
together with 183 new cases and two deaths being reported daily as per Delhi government
authorities. Total cases of 584 are regarding the spiritual congregation that happened in Nizamuddin
region in March.
In Gujarat, 70 new corona Virus cases are positive which leads to a total number of 378 in the state.
Andhra Pradesh reports 16 fresh coronavirus cases that end today with total cases of 381
23 more coronavirus cases came forward with a total count of 433 in Uttar Pradesh
Again 210 people tested positive on Friday in Maharastra that rises coronavirus cases to 1,574, State
health department declares.
Total confirmed cases in Assam is 29 with no death cases regarding Corona Virus.
212 persons tested positive for coronavirus in Mumbai, it reaches 993 cases in the city.
Today’s news should be highlighted.
As per the PM’s said before, India has cleared the first list of 13 States for Hydroxychloroquine: USA,
Spain, Germany, Bahrain, Brazil, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Maldives, Bangladesh, Seychelles,
Mauritius & Dominican Republic – Complete 14 million Pills.

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